2019-2023 Recordings


CVM Advising Basics and Expectations, Zoom Recording

Sarah Ho presents on expectations of, and available supports for, Advisors at the CVM.

Early Career Educator Series

[Part 1]  Learning and Cognition, Zoom Recording

Jesse Watson presents the neuroscience and educational psychology basics behind the learning process at a level that is accessible and applicable for educators.

[Part 2]  Assessment, Zoom Recording

Jesse Watson and veteran veterinary educators discuss key concepts for planning assessments that drive good learning.

[Part 3]  Item Writing,  Part One:  Zoom Recording ,  Part Two:  Zoom Recording

Mari-Wells Hedgpeth lays out critical guidelines for writing test items that are effective, valid, and reliable.

[Part 4]  Instructional Design 101, Zoom Recording (Password:  j89Y#712)

Our ESS Team will take us through useful instructional design strategies for outlining a course that meets learning goals.

Education Day 2022

Streamlining the Student User Experience Across and Within Courses, Zoom Recording

Dr. Katie Sheats, Leigh Jay Temple, and Kate Fiebrandt collaborate with Class of 2025 students Shanti Coleman and Mikayla Mather Carlton discuss the challenges of and importance of having a consistent learning experience.  Conversation includes faculty, technician, student, and instructional designer perspectives.

Pass/Fail and Learning Motivation, Zoom Recording

Jesse Watson presents on the relationship between pass/fail grading and persistent motivation to learn using a blend of educational theory, student interview responses, and group discussion.

Keynote – Grades and Performance Feedback in a Positive Learning Environment, Zoom Recording

Dr. Leslie Sprunger (WSU CVM) presents on Washington State CVM’s experience using Pass/Fail for years, and how it has contributed to the development of a more positive and supportive learning environment.



Literature Searches for Breadth and Depth, Zoom Recording

Dave Provost walks us through how to do better searches in education literature.

Educator Basics: Instructional Design and Learning Outcomes, Zoom Recording

John Jeon of ESS explains how to build lessons efficiently around high quality learning outcomes.

Behaviorism v Cognitivism v Constructivism, Zoom Recording

Dr. Sara Bennet, John Jeon, and Jesse Watson demonstrate using different learning theories as lenses for understanding scenarios.

Cognitive Taxonomy Rules for Powerpoints, Zoom Recording

John Jeon of ESS presents straightforward methods for applying cognitive principles to designing more effective content.

Ed Psych: Learning with a Dash of Neuroscience, Zoom Recording

Jesse Watson presents a quick run-through of the learning process in terms of educational psychology.

Journal Club:  “The Phantom Professor”Zoom RecordingArticle

Bonus Feature!  First 10 minutes are a discussion of Universal Design for Learning, Individuated Instruction, and Learning Styles.

[Beginning at 10:10 mark]  We discuss a 2015 study of student evaluations with a trick…the professor being evaluated doesn’t actually exist.

Rubric Design, Zoom Recording

Drs. Amy Snyder and Mariea Ross-Estrada of the Primary Care unit join with Mari-Wells Hedgpeth to present on efforts and outcomes of reviewing their rubric design, including refinement, inter-rater reliability, and increasing efficiency & efficacy.

Safety Culture Series:  

[Part 1]  Safety Culture in Veterinary Education Zoom Recording

Dr. Lydia Love leads a presentation and discussion on Safety Culture, what it really means, and why we should promote it through Veterinary Education.

[Part 2]  Error – Identification, Understanding, and Just CultureZoom Recording

Dr. Linda Allen (UFL) presents on error types, levels of harm, resolution and just culture in relation to veterinary safety culture.

[Part 3]  Checklists – Building, Implementing, and Buying Into ThemZoom Recording

Dr. Erik Hofmeister (Auburn) leads a discussion on how to build and implement effective safety checklists for use in veterinary clinics and practices.

[Part 4]  The Five P’s Every Anesthesiologist KnowsZoom Recording

Dr. Lysa Posner leads a discussion on applied safety culture in the procedures and processes we already use, how to improve on them, and how to teach them effectively.

[Part 5]  Techs and Safety, Zoom Recording

Heather Hopkinson, RVT;  Kate Fiebrandt, RVT;  Laura Ruterbories, RVT, RLATG, VTS(LAM); & Stephanie Lajuett, RVT, VTS(ECC) lead a panel of Veterinary Technicians discussing how to practice and communicate Safety Culture Teamwork to students, techs, residents, and faculty.

[Part 6]  M&M Rounds Workshop, Zoom Recording

Dr. Linda Allen (UFL) leads this back and forth workshop style discussion on how to build Safety Culture habits through M&M Rounds.

SEVEC DEI Workshop, Zoom Recording

Hosted by Sarah Hammond and the SEVEC DEI Working Group, Dr. Kwesi Brookins (NCSU Center for Family and Community Engagement) speaks on coalition building and organizing / motivating for positive change. 



AoE Fall Update Meeting,  Zoom Recording

Clinical Education Swap Shop, w/ Kathy Lunn, Karen Munana, Kate Bailey, & Valery Scharf,  Zoom Recording

Survey Report:  Student Perspectives on Emergency Online Learning (Part One), w/ Katie SheatsZoom Recording

Survey Report:  Student Perspectives on Emergency Online Learning (Part Two), w/ Katie Sheats & Olivia PetritzZoom Recording

Supporting Students in Distress, w/ Laura Castro,  Zoom Recording



Supporting Students in Distress, w/ Laura Castro, Recording + Powerpoint

Presenting 101: Large Groups, w/ April Kedrowicz,  Recording (mp4) 

Learning Motivation, w/ Jesse Watson, Recording (mp4) + Powerpoint

Introduction to Teaching Portfolios, w/ Sherry Clouser,  Zoom Recording + Handout

Vet Ed 101, w/ Megan Jacobs, Abi Taylor, & Kate Fiebrandt,  Audio Recording.

Presenting 102: Small Group Learning, w/ Elizabeth Nelson, Powerpoint + Recording

Spring 2020 Membership Meeting,  Agenda

Career Advising, w/ Amy Snyder & Amanda Bates, Recording + Powerpoint + Internship Decision Flowchart

Cheating in Higher Ed, w/Greg Cizek, Recording

Ed Psych: Memory, w/Jesse Watson,  Recording

Supporting Advisees During Crisis and Change, w/ Kaitlyn Runion & Laura Castro, Zoom Recording + Powerpoint

Growth Mindset Workshop, w/ Melissa Srougi,  Powerpoint + Exam Wrapper Handout

Creative Teaching, w/ Jesse Watson,  Zoom Recording + Flow Notes

March Methods:  Qualitative Methodologies, w/ Sarah Hammond & April Kedrowicz,  Zoom Recording

Teaching & Learning Online:  Asynchronous vs Synchronous, w/Jesse Watson, Zoom Recording + Flow Notes

Teaching & Learning Online:  Facilitating Groups, w/ April Kedrowicz, Regina Schoenfeld, & Leigh Jay Hicks,  Zoom Recording

Teaching & Learning Online:  Discussion Boards, w/ Jesse Watson, Zoom Recording  (Password: 3M+U3.7^)

“Emergency Remote” to Online Teaching & Learning: Taking it up a notch, (UTCVM) w/ Sherry Clouser, Jesse Watson, & India Lane,  Link to video on UTCVM site

Education Day Session One, w/ Kim Pernicka, Kaila Cahoon, Katie Sheats,  Zoom Recording

Education Day Session Two, w/ John Jeon & Lysa Posner,  Zoom Recording

Education Day Keynote:  “Success by Design?: The Utility of Integrated Exams”, w/ Dr. Kent Hecker, U. of Calgary,  Zoom Recording

Education Day Session Three, w/ Regina Schoenfeld, April Kedrowicz, Kathy Lunn, Melissa Srougi, Kate Bailey & Lysa Posner, Zoom Recording